Midland Radio Satellite Radio 77 120ESP User Manual

Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Owner’s Manual 77-120ESP  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Introduction -  
Your 40 channel CB represents the state of the art in high tech engineering. This  
unit is not only a full feature CB transceiver but incorporates a high performance  
10 channel NOAA weather bureau VHF receiver. The full 10-channel weather  
receiver allows use on all current and future NOAA weather bureau channels  
plus Canadian and international channels. The unit incorporates microprocessor  
controlled PLL circuitry for precise tuning and increased function. Receiver noise  
and interference can now be largely eliminated by the new ESP2™ noise  
reduction system. Also included is a backlighted Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)  
digital information center that out-dates CB’s with LED readouts.  
How to install your Midland mobile CB?  
This transceiver may be installed in any 12 volt negative ground-system  
car or truck. Almost all current U.S. and foreign vehicles use a negative system,  
but some older models and some newer large trucks may have a positive  
Check the requirements for your vehicle before you begin installation.  
Generally, you have a negative-ground system if the minus ( - ) battery  
terminal is connected to the motor block. Contact your dealer in the event you  
are unable to determine your vehicle’s polarity system.  
Installation and operating accessories furnished with your Midland CB:  
1. Easy removal mounting bracket system.  
2. Microphone bracket system.  
3. All main-unit and microphone mounting hardware needed for normal  
4. Plug-in microphone with coil cord.  
5. FCC part 95, Subpart D.  
6. Owner’s Manual.  
Where to locate your CB transceiver.  
Your new Midland CB is designed to be installed under the dash or  
vertically on a console of your vehicle. Safety and convenience are the primary  
considerations in deciding exactly where to locate your radio.  
Caution: Be sure that the unit is located so that it does not interfere with the  
driver or impair access to any controls. Connecting cables must be routed and  
secured in such a manner as not to interfere with the operation of the brake,  
accelerator or other controls. Interference from either the unit or connecting  
cables may contribute to the loss of control of the vehicle.  
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Mechanical mounting  
Note: Extreme care should be exercised when drilling into dash to avoid damage  
to under-dash electronic ignition, cruise control, instrument and / or accessory  
wiring. Your unit must be mounted so as not to interfere with air bag (SRS)  
Step 1: Heeding the caution, use the mounting bracket as a template for marking  
the location of screw holes under the dash. Use an awl, nail or other sharp  
pointed object to mark the metal.  
Step 2: Drill a 1/8” hole for each screw hole in the mounting bracket. Attach the  
bracket to the dash with the 3/8” Phillips machine screws provided.  
Step 3: Locate and secure the radio into the mounting bracket allowing working  
space for later power connections.  
Power wiring (negative ground only).  
Step 1: If you have not determined whether your vehicle has a negative or  
positive ground, do so now. Then disconnect the negative lead from the battery  
to prevent short circuits that can occur during wiring.  
Step 2: With negative ground, connect the red wire (the one with in-line fuse  
holder) to either the ( a ) fuse block radio circuit (filtered), ( b ) cigarette lighter  
(unfiltered for noise), or ( c ) directly to the positive post on your battery.  
(Usually, the fuse block is the most convenient connecting point. It is also  
possible to connect to the Accessory terminal on the fuse block, so that your CB  
automatically goes off when the ignition goes off, preventing accidental battery  
Note: In many new vehicles the only circuit that has noise filtering is the radio  
circuit. Then tightly connect the black wire directly to the vehicle’s metal frame. A  
good direct metal - to - metal ground is essential for optimum performance.  
Installations using the cigarette lighter socket for power require an extra ground  
wire from the radio chassis to the vehicle if the radio is not fastened to a  
grounded part of the vehicle.  
Step 3: Plug - in the power cord to the receptacle provided on the back of the  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Mounting the main unit.  
Step 1: Position the main unit between the bracket arms in line with the retention  
knobs. Set the angle for optimum operating comfort and accessibility.  
Step 2: Tighten the retention knobs.  
Installation of microphone hanger.  
Mounting holes are provided on the microphone hanger bracket. The bracket  
can be attached to the vehicle dash, or other convenient location.  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Antenna -  
How to select, position install and tune the right one for you?  
Basically, you have two types of mobile CB antennas - full-length whip and  
loaded whip - and a variety of types of mounts (depending on where you locate  
your antenna) to choose from.  
Midland markets a broad line of high-performance antennas. The dealer who  
sold you your Midland CB can advise which type is best for you.  
Where you locate your antenna does make a difference.  
Some general rules for antenna location that can aid CB performance:  
1. Put your antenna mount as high on the vehicle as possible.  
2. The higher the proportion of antenna length that is above the roof, the better.  
3. If possible, mount the antenna in the center of whatever surface you choose.  
4. Keep antenna cables away from noise sources, such as the ignition system,  
gauges, electric fuel pumps, etc.  
5. Make sure you have a solid metal-to-metal ground.  
6. Exercise care to prevent cable damage.  
Essentially, you have five location choices: the roof, gutter, rear deck, front cowl  
or rear bumper. Where you decide to locate your antenna will determine the type  
of antenna you install. Again consult your Midland CB dealer for advice and  
guidance, and measure your needs against the attributes of the various Midland  
antenna models he carries. Weather radio performance may be degraded by  
use of a base loaded antenna.  
Antenna installation.  
Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully.  
Warning: Never operate your CB radio without attaching an antenna or with a  
broken antenna cable. This can result in damage to transmitter circuitry.  
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Tuning your antenna.  
Some antennas are factory tuned. However, performance can usually be  
improved by slightly lengthening or shortening its length, using a Standing Wave  
Radio (SWR) meter. For the exact procedures to be used refer to the antenna  
manufacturer’s installation manual.  
You can buy an SWR meter separately or have your antenna checked by your  
Midland CB Dealer’s service department or a two-way comm shop.  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
1. MICROPHONE CONNECTOR: Plug in the supplied microphone to this  
connector. The collar ring has a screw on locking ring. Push the ring onto  
the units collar and screw on until it is tight.  
2. ON/OFF VOLUME: In the off position your transceiver’s power is off. Turn  
this control clockwise to switch on the unit and adjust the volume.  
3. MIC GAIN: Rotating this control fully clockwise will result in  
the greatest microphone output. /rotating the control counter-clockwise  
reduces the microphone output, improving the sound in high noise  
environments. This control can also be used to control optional power  
microphone output.  
4. SQUELCH CONTROL: Adjust this control until background noise just  
disappears. If the control is adjusted too far clockwise it may cause  
muting of weaker signals.  
5. RF GAIN CONTROL: This control adjusts the receiver, sensitivity. Adjust  
the control for best reception of distant or local stations. Begin with  
control fully clockwise. To reduce reception of unwanted distant stations,  
turn control counter-clockwise until only desired stations are heard.  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
6. ROTARY CHANNEL SELECTOR: This easy to operate control allows  
changing of weather or CB channel, either up or down. This control will  
not operate when emergency channel 9 has been selected by using the  
“CH9” button or when the channel “LOCK” function has been activated.  
7. CHANNEL DISPLAY: LCD (liquid crystal display) read-out of selected CB  
or weather channel.  
8. FREQUENCY DISPLAY. Displays channel frequency in MHz and kHz when the  
FRQ” switch is on.  
9. TX INDICATOR: LCD indicator for showing the unit is transmitting.  
10. WX INDICATOR: When this indicator is illuminated it indicates your unit  
is in the weather receive mode. Weather channels are displayed.  
11. ESP. INDICATOR: Indicates the ESP2™ “Noise Killer“ circuit has been  
12. S/RF DISPLAY: LCD read-out of received signal strength and relative  
transmitter power output.  
13. CB/WX: This button causes your unit to change modes between NOAA  
weather bureau receiver and CB operation.  
14. CH.9 SWITCH: Press this for quick selection of emergency channel 9.  
All other channels are locked out when channel 9 is activated by using  
the “CH9” switch. Switch off “CH9” switch to return to normal CB  
15. ESP: Pressing this button controls the ESP2™ audio system. Channel  
noises are reduced and voices enhanced when ESP2™ is active.  
16. FRQ: This switch selects Frequency in MHz display instead of channel  
ANTENNA CONNECTOR: Connect a standard 50-ohm CB antenna to this  
S-METER JACK: A DC voltmeter may be connected to this jack for  
precision monitoring of received signal strength.  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
EXT SPEAKER JACK: When a speaker is connected to this jack the  
internal speaker is by-passed. All received signals will be heard through  
the external speaker when it is connected. The speaker connected to the  
“EXT” jack should be rated at 8 ohms and 5 watts or more.  
You should become familiar with the controls and complete the preceding  
installation instructions before attempting operation of your CB.  
1. Adjust the squelch control fully counter-clockwise  
2. Rotate the on/off volume control clockwise to turn the unit on. Adjust the  
volume for a normal listening level.  
3. Select the desired channel by the rotary channel selector. Rotate the squelch  
control until the background noise is just quieted. You are now in the receive  
NOTE: If the channel will not change, check that the “CH9 switch is not on. In  
this case switch the “CH9” switch off to deactivate this function  
4. To transmit press the PTT bar on the side of the microphone. Hold the  
microphone 2 to 3 inches from your lips and speak in a normal voice.  
5. To receive simply release the PTT bar.  
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.  
2. Press the “WX” button.  
3. Using the rotary channel selector select the active channel in your area.  
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How ESP2™ works to make your CB sound better.  
The ESP2™ noise reduction system constantly monitors the signal strength and  
the type of noise present. When the signal strength is too low for good reception,  
the receiver sound is automatically adjusted to dramatically reduce the noise that  
comes through the speaker. While the noise is decreased the actual sounds you  
need to hear are increased.  
Skip interference can cause whistles and howling sounds. Electrical interference from power  
lines, ignition systems or other sources can produce low humming and buzzing noise. These  
high and low sounds are not needed for communications. ESP2™ can determine the difference  
between undesired noises and sounds you want to hear and filter the noises out.  
These results ESP2™ can accomplish without decreasing receiver range (it  
usually increases range). Most importantly, ESP2™ works by itself and does not  
need to be listening to other ESP2™ equipped CB’s to be 100% effective.  
The end result of ESP™ is that you can lower or completely stop using your  
squelch control. You will hear weak signals that cause other CB’s to hear only  
noise. With this new patented sound control system you will find yourself using  
your CB more thereby increasing your safety and enjoyment.  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Frequency range ..........................................................................26.965-27.405 MHz  
Channels ..............................................................................................................40  
Modulation type ...................................................................................................AM  
Antenna impedance .......................................................................................50 Ohm  
Loudspeaker ...................................................................................................8 Ohm  
Microphone ..................................................................................................Electret  
Power Supply ....................................................................13.8 VDC negative ground  
RECEIVER ( CB, 26.965-27.405 MHz )  
Sensitivity at 10db S/N......................................................................................0.6 uV  
Selectivity .............................................................................................6 db @ 5 Khz  
Squelch range ......................................................................................0.5 uV-500 uV  
Audio output power ..................................................3.0 W @ 8 Ohm ( 10% distortion)  
Distortion at 1000 mV ............................................................................................3%  
Audio frequency response ........................................................................400-2400 Hz  
Intermediate frequency .......................................................I ° 10.695 MHz II ° 455 Khz  
Spurious response ................................................................ .............more than 45 db  
RF Output Power ................................................................................................4.0 W  
Frequency Tolerance .........................................................................................0.005%  
Harmonic Suppression ..........................................................................More than 60 db  
Modulation ...........................................................................................AM 90% ( ± 5%)  
Sensitivity _________________________________1.0 uV for 20 db  
Audio Power _______________________________3.0 W  
Audio Load ________________________________8 ohms  
Intermediate Frequency ______________________455 Khz  
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Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP  
Midland Consumer Radio will repair or replace, at its option without charge, any Midland Mobile, Base Station, or full  
power Hand-Held Citizens Band transceiver which fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year  
following the initial consumer purchase.  
This warranty does not include any carrying cases, earphones, or telescoping antennas which may be a part of or  
included with the warranted product, or the cost of labor for removal or re-installation of the product in a vehicle or other  
Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted product, freight prepaid,  
along with proof of purchase date, to Midland Consumer Radio, Warranty Service Department 1670 North Topping,  
Kansas City, Missouri 64120, or to any “ Midland Authorized Warranty Service Station,” or to the place of purchase ( if a  
participating dealer).  
Warranty information and the location of the nearest “Midland Authorized Warranty Service Station,” may be obtained by  
writing Midland Consumer Radio, Warranty Service Department.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Note: The above warranty applies only to merchandise purchased in the United States of America or any of the  
territories or possessions or from U.S. military exchange. For warranty coverage on merchandise purchased elsewhere,  
consult the supplemental warranty information included with this product or ask your dealer.  
If it ever becomes necessary to return your unit for service:  
Pack the unit in its original box and packing, Improper packing may result in damage during shipment. Include $7.50 for  
return postage and handling. (Note: Some states do not require you to pay for postage and handling).  
Include a full description of any problems. Include your telephone number.  
You do not need to return accessory items (brackets, screws, power cord, antenna, etc.) unless they may be directly  
related to the problem.  
Include a photocopy of the bill of sale or other proof of purchase showing the date of sale. This information must be  
included before warranty service can be considered.  
A flat rate of $45.00 will apply to repairs not covered by warranty. Send only cashiers check, money order or Master Card  
or Visa card number.  
1120 Clay Street  
North Kansas City, MO 64116  
Phone 816-241-8500. Fax 816-241-5713  
FCC Compliance Information  
Midland Citizens Band Transceiver  
Model 77-120ESP  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference  
(2) This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause  
undesired operation.  
For compliance information contact: Midland Radio Corporation  
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